Monday, October 22, 2007


The sacrament of marrige is not a union of man andwomen, but yet a way for the church to recognizethat the lord is already in the couple life. The stepsto a marrige in the Eastern orthodox church arevery specific. The marriage starts out with theChurch praying for the couple, then the rings areplaced on the right hand. Right after this is done themarriage continues into the procession where thepreist chants psalm 128. The man and Women mustthen proclaim that they came freely into this. Theyare then handed candles that are lit representingthem following the light of God. As the marriagecomes to an end the man and women are crowned,which are taken off at the end of the wedding andthe preist prays for the crowns to be excepted intothe kingdom of heaven.

For more information:


Judaism said...

I think its interesting that they believe that marriage is the way for the church to recgonize that God is in the couples lives. Its cool that the crowns are taken and want to be excepted in heaven.


Judaism said...

I think that it is really interesting that they put crowns on the people that are getting married in the church. I also find it to be interesting that they have the people of the church pray for the people that are getting married, becasue I don't believe that I have ever seen either of these things being practiced in a wedding that I have been a part of. It is very interesting to see how christianity has changed and evolved since the begining of time.

Hailey C.

Islam said...

I never knew the whole marriage process of the Eastern Orthodox faith. That's really interesting. I woudldn't have thought that marriage wasn't the union of a man and a woman, but a way for the church to recognize that God is already part of the couple's life.

Caitlin M